Decidim es una plataforma digital
de participación ciudadana
Tecnología libre y segura.
Con todas las garantías democráticas.
Reprogramar la democracia ahora es posible con Decidim.
estratégica -
participativos -
Iniciativas y
consultas ciudadanas -
participativos -
de participación -
en red
Decidim ayuda a ciudadanos, organizaciones e instituciones públicas a auto-organizarse democráticamente a todos los niveles.
Implementing a flexible democratic system
We can help configure a system of democratic governance in all kinds of organizations.
Our featuresWe take democracy very seriously
Decidim ensures transparency, traceability and integrity of information like never before. It provides security, privacy and confidentiality to all participants.
Social contractIt's yours. Use it. Share it. Improve it.
A platform designed entirely with free software, open and collaborative content thanks to the Metadecidim community.
The communityWe suffer under a lack of public space. It's particularly important that we reclaim these public spaces for us. Open platforms such as Decidim do exactly that. Is not only that is open source so other people can fork it, reuse it and build a process. It also has these values that we want to reflect in our society encoded in the way it's designed.
Kasia Odrozek
Mozilla Foundation
Part of what makes Decidim so powerful is that it adds a level of abstraction to the work separating out the steps of a process and the activities associated with the process. That’s part of the information architecture, so that not only you are saying what is happening at each step but different parts of Decidim behave differently depending on when you are doing or depending on what step in the process you are in. The fact that that’s customizable really allows Decidim to be moulded to how we are doing our work and not our work to be moulded.
Francisco Tena
Pipeline to Power, working for NYC Civic Engagement Commission
La plataforma digital Decide Mérida fue una oportunidad que abrió como nunca los mecanismos de participación ciudadana para la elaboración del Plan Municipal de Desarrollo de Mérida 2018-2021. Tuvimos más de 3 mil interacciones ciudadanas entre propuestas, comentarios, sugerencias y apoyos que dieron lugar al mayor consenso posible sobre lo que es mejor para nuestra ciudad. Sin duda, la plataforma Decide Mérida seguirá siendo nuestra aliada para hacer de Mèrida una sociedad cada día más participativa.
Renán A. Barrera Concha
Presidente Municipal de Mérida Yucatán, México. Ayuntamiento de Mérida Yucatán, México
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